Traditional timberframe construction
Traditional timberframing is an art, and we bring a lifetime of experience to each frame we design and cut. It is elemental. Maybe it's the beauty of the exposed wood, perhaps the sense of timelessness and sturdiness. Timberframe buildings provide a connection to an ancient way of building and a link to our common heritage in New England.
At Threshold Building Co. we provide authentic, traditionally joined timberframes. We carefully select locally sourced timbers and fit them together with skill. We bring the same attention to detail whether we are building a new home, barn, or outbuilding from scratch, or repairing and restoring a 200-year-old structure.
Hybrid Timberframe Buildings
We also can provide timber components as part of a hybrid building system. This approach allows you to have the beauty of a timbered ceiling or roof without the additional cost of a fully timberframed building. This is also a great approach for combining timbered elements into a high performance building.
Timberframe Contractors
Unlike many timberframe companies, our capacity as general contractors enables us to keep an eye on the entirety of the project and make sure the frame fits into your landscape and budget. While we love building locally, we can also deliver our frames anywhere on the Eastern Seaboard.
Community Timberframe Raisings
The raising of a frame has always been a community event. In the past, the physical strength of the community was required to lift the bents from the ground and to raise the rafters. Today, we may use a crane, or we might invite a crowd to do the lifting, depending on the size and complexity of the project. Regardless of the method, the end of raising day is a great opportunity to eat well and celebrate your structure and all of the possibilities you bring to it.